Is anyone here making there own Grid Beams?

I was wondering if anyone here is making there own Grid Beam or are they waiting for Grid Kit to officially start selling parts?

Follow up questions. If you are making your own, how are you doing it?

I’m making my own, because I think once Grid Kit gets up and running I’m not sure if they’ll ship to California, or what the cost will be :). By “making my own”, I mean: looking for free/cheap 2x2s on Craigslist, cutting to size and drilling with a tabletop drill press. I’ve iterated on a few jigs and I don’t have anything that works particularly well. I don’t have a lot of maker experience, so my instincts are not great, but my current iteration is basically: line up a bunch of 1.5" blocks such that the last block is .75" away from the center of the drill. Put the stick against that block for the first hole, then remove a block and slide the stick down to the next one. It would be a pretty efficient system, but I have to take a lot of time to get sawdust out of the way or it makes the holes less precise. There’s still a lot of iterating left to do.

All of this, however, is a little bit past-tense: I haven’t played around with Grid Beam in a few months, but I still think about it a lot.

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Yea you’re right, I know that California and the US more broadly are on the roadmap, but will likely only be selling to NZ in the beginning.

Sounds like you have a pretty decent process, but yea it seems pretty difficult to make yourself as it requires such a high level of precision.